The Sleeping Beauty Ballet is one of the most well known of all classical ballets. It is performed worldwide by almost all major ballet companies .
Tchaikovsky wrote the music for this ballet by the director of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.
The Rose AdagioOne of the most famous solos is the Rose Adagio which will see today.
Technically it is not a solo as Aurora dances with other dancers, yet it is considered to be such because she does the most difficult dancing. In this tour de force the ballerina must execute very exacting balance moves. Each pass becomes exceedingly more difficult beginning with developee (leg extensions) and balancing arabesques.
Since Sleeping Beauty is a ballet dedicated to showing the skills of the prima ballerina, the most famous female ballet stars have tackled it. Some ballerinas more than others, however, have made their mark as Aurora as Siry Ember that we will watch today as Silken Ballet’s Aurora.
Some of the animations we are going to see were copied exactly from the real life choreography by Petipa and made for Silken Ballet.
The artistic conception and coreography of Sleeping beauty were executed by Geneta Babii and Siry Ember.
Prajna Vella and Babylon Sierot were responsible for the scripting, building and technical issues.
We thanks to Ephemera Designs for creating an exclusive wardrobe for this ballet.
Silken Ballet is presently formed by 11 dancers from which 6 are RL ballet dancers.